Setting Up a Sales Supervision System
ViWorks Ventures
Timeline: 1 Week
My Role
Product Photography, UX Research, UX Design
iScribe Pad is an easy-to-use, inexpensive and powerful online teaching aid. The company saw a huge boost in sales during the pandemic as all teachers across the country took classes online.
ViWorks Ventures saw this as an opportunity to build an e-commerce website to manage the incoming flow of orders and also to boost sales further.
Teaching a classroom has primarily been a physical activity.
How might we showcase the product in a way which breaks the online barrier?
How might we make the experience similar to a real classroom environment?
We had to first understand the pain points of online teaching and hence we decided to interview a few online tutors and school teachers.

During our research, we found out that a major share of sales happened through referals and word of mouth. We realised that we had to capitalize on this opportunity to create more hype around the product and boost sales.
Key Insights
Sketching out the user personas based on our research. The overall experience had to be designed for 3 main sets of users - buyer, agent/member and an admin.
We decided to create a “Member Get Member” program. Anyone can sign up to this program and become a member.

The goal of this program was to increase sales by spreading the word through our members.

This was an official way of providing incentives to people who buy and spread the word about the product.
We designed the page in a way that addressed all the questions that a new visitor might have regarding the program.

At the end of it, any new user can sign up to become a member and existing members can login to view their dashboard.
Smooth Buying Experience
Member Dasboard is the place where the user can find his/her referral code and link that can be shared with peers.

When a new user applies this code on the checkout section, they get an instant discount, while the referrer also gets a reward.

This dashboard also maintains a log of reward history.
One key takeaway from this project was to grab the opportunity before time runs out. ViWorks saw the rise in number of online classes and made use of that opportunity to sell the iScribe pad online. Designing this product taught me the level of detailing that a back-end admin-centric dashboard requires. This is also the first website that I designed that leverages the concept of word of mouth through referrals.
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Responsive web design and branding of Hover Studio, a design agency based in Bangalore